Why Social Media Marketing And Online Strategy Is Important For Your Business 为什么社交媒体营销对品牌很重要?
In the 21st century, social media has become a prominent part of our daily lives, from home to college to business; the scope of social media is all-encompassing. The digital world is a giant, consuming everything, so much so that every entrepreneur and businessman must learn to adapt to this way of life.
在当今21世纪,社交媒体已成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的重要组成部分。从家庭生活到学 习、工作,我们都离不开社交媒体,它渗透在我们生活的各个环节之中。正因为社交媒体涉及 范围之广,每一个品牌决策者都应该重视社交媒体策略。
The worldwide digital media is moving at such a pace that we have an industrial revolution after every decade. The future belongs to virtual reality, and no one can ignore that. Therefore, for every person aiming to create opportunities for him to sell and promote his brand, he must devote a reasonable amount of effort and focus to the digital markets.
全球数字媒体日益变化,以至于几乎每十年,甚至更短的时间内,我们都要经历一次工业革 命。毫无疑问,未来是属于虚拟现实的。因此,对于每个品牌决策者而言,要想在数字化大浪 潮中站稳脚跟,就必须要在社交媒体营销上下功夫,制定出一个能迎合数字化发展的策略就显 得至关重要。
By evaluating what products occupies more demand and improving the quality of said products, advertising and marketing them through Social media is also crucial for every entrepreneur who wants to make a name for his brand. Social media platforms are now saturated with brand advertisement and have become the hottest place to sell and/or promote your brand. Throughout the article, we shall explore the points as to why
Social Media marketing is necessary and some caveats which come along with it.
对于品牌决策者而言,想要使品牌获得成功,就要增强对产品的市场认识,比如哪些产品有更 大的市场需求量,哪些产品的质量需要提高以满足消费者需求,而这些问题都可以通过社交媒 体找到答案。社交媒体现已成为推广、销售产品最热门的平台。这篇文章里,我们将探讨为什 么社交媒体营销如此重要,以及关于社交媒体战略的一些注意事项。
“There's a way to do it better- find it”
Thomas Edison
8 Must-know Pros of Social Media Marketing 社交媒体营销的八大优势
Here are the pros of Social Media marketing | 以下是社交媒体营销的优势:
Social media marketing create brand awareness. 能增强品牌认知度。
Better engagement with target audience. 使品牌能更好地与目标受众互动。
Social media marketing build brand loyalty. 能提高品牌忠诚度。
It is a relatively cheap way to reach thes target audience organically. 能帮助品牌以低价的方式,实现目标受众的有机增长。
A perfect digital marketing strategy boosts organic traffic. 一个完善的数字营销策略可以为品牌增加有机流量。
It ensures customer satisfaction. 能提高消费者满意度。
Getting to know the market demands. 能够帮助品牌决策者了解市场需求。
It helps in establishing a positive brand image. 有助于树立积极的品牌形象。
Now, let's discuss these briefly | 现在,让我们简单地展开讨论:
1. Social Media Marketing Create Brand Awareness 社交媒体营销能增强品牌认知度
Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and twitter are 24/7 engaged with users from all over the world, belonging to different time zones and geographical locations. This pre-existing traffic allows one to promote the visibility of their brand by running social media advertisements and developing viable and reasonable strategies. The very fact that social media is readily available in almost all countries opens doors for you to promote your brand all over the world, to customers in all countries, and all regions and belonging to all demographics. Business pages on Social Media platforms such as Facebook generate traffic on their pages by relying on the pre-existing saturation of users combined with their unique advertisements. Consistent use of an excellent Social Media strategy can increase one's brand recognition by attracting the pre-existing traffic on social media platforms. Keeping these points in mind, you can create your business profile and fill it up with relevant content to start digital marketing to kickstart the flow of customer traffic.
诸如Facebook,Instagram和Twitter之类的社交媒体平台上,有来自世界各地的用户24小时不间 断活跃,社交媒体是全年无休的。这些潜在的广大流量都可以为品牌所使用,通过广告投放和 一个可行且合理的策略,提高品牌知名度。社交媒体普遍存在于几乎所有国家和地区,使得品 牌有机会拓展世界任一目标地的消费者群。 以Facebook为例,品牌社交媒体页面的流量,来源于已经关注品牌账号的现有消费者,和通过 投放广告触及的更多潜在消费者。一个持续、有效的社交媒体策略可以帮助品牌持续不断地吸 引现有页面关注者的访问,达到提高品牌认知度的目的。记住了这些关键点之后,您也可以开 始建立品牌专属页面,通过持续、有效的内容营销,实现消费者流量的增长。
2. Better Engagement with Target Audience 通过社交媒体,品牌能更好地与目标受众互动
Since the dawn of social media platforms, people have been drawn closer to each other, and the quality of communication has greatly improved. People can now communicate with folks all over the world and build a personal connection. The same feature is of great relevance to social media marketers. Getting to know your customers and their likes and dislikes are of tremendous use to you in setting up your business strategies. These types of communications allow you to engage with your audience in a way that is attention-grasping and promotes brand loyalty and recognition. Furthermore, knowing the demographics of your target audience is key to any good market strategy.
因为社交媒体,我们现在可以和世界各地的人交流、建立联系。社交媒体的这一属性,也给营 销者带来了很大便利,比如,我们能更好地了解消费者及其喜好,制定相应的营销策略等。社 交媒体的沟通便利能帮助品牌更好地获得用户的关注,提高用户的品牌忠诚度和辨识度。对于 任何市场营销战略而言,了解目标受众都是至关重要的,而这都可以通过社交媒体轻而易举地 实现。
3. Social Media Marketing Build Brand Loyalty 社交媒体能提高品牌忠诚度
Engaging with your customers and brand loyalty almost has a cause and effect relationship. When customers connect to your websites, it allows them to interact with multiple aspects of your brand and business environment; this leads interested customers to consider your brand again and again when choosing a product. Loyal customers are necessary for your business to grow and expand. Targeting certain sections of demographics makes it easier to pick your loyal customers and evaluating the services they demand from your company. Social media takes care of all this by providing the customer with all the equipment to communicate directly with your brand and show their appreciation for your work.
与消费者互动和增强品牌忠诚度有着直接的因果关系。当消费者访问品牌网站时,他们可以通 过多种方式和品牌建立互动,这使得感兴趣的消费者在购买产品时能反复考虑你的品牌。忠实 的消费者对于任何品牌的业务增长、扩展都是必不可少的。通过针对目标受众进行定向推广, 品牌可以更准确地找到忠诚消费者,了解他们的需求。社交媒体为品牌提供了与消费者的沟通 便利,品牌方可以直接针对品牌、产品、服务等和消费者进行直接沟通,获取一手信息。
4. It is a Relatively Cheap Way to Reach the Target Audience Organically 社交媒体能帮助品牌以低价的方式,实现目标受众的有机增长
Social media platforms are always cheap to use; anyone can set up their business page and utilize the pre-existing social media traffic to reach customers from all over the world. This allows you to cut tons of potential expenses and provides you opportunities to achieve growth in a short amount of time. On the other hand, paid advertisements cost money and require good investment strategies to get better results. You can apply your investment strategies in the paid advertisements on Social media platforms in endless ways. Small fresh businesses invest via trial and error i.e; they start by investing small amounts in observing the results before moving to larger investments. A good investment always pays back more than the amount it was initially put in. By keeping these general maxims in mind, you can roam around the digital market and experience growth and prosperity.
社交媒体的价格门槛较低,任何人都可以建立品牌主页,利用社交媒体的潜在用户,吸引来自 世界各地的消费者,在短期内,通过较少的资金,实现品牌增长。除此之外,品牌也可以通过 广告投放获得更广大的关注度。社交媒体的广告投放可以有多种多样。小型初创企业可以尝试 不同方法,并通过比较来决定最适合的广告形式,比如可以首先投资少量资金来观察结果,效 果好之后然后再投入更多的资金。好的投资才能获得好的收益。牢记这些基本原则,您肯定可 以在数字化潮流中站稳脚跟,并实现繁荣的增长。
5. A Perfect Digital Marketing Strategy Boosts Organic Traffic 一个完善的数字营销策略可以为品牌增加有机流量
As discussed above, Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are 24/7 engaged with worldwide users. This pre-existing traffic makes it easier for business pages to achieve customer traffic by sharing and re-sharing your business posts and advertisements on social media. As long as your Digital Market Strategy is engaging, you can always expect a reasonable amount of traffic on your page.
如前文所提到的,诸如Facebook,Instagram和Twitter之类的社交媒体平台上,有来自世界各地 的用户24小时不间断活跃。这些潜在的广大流量都可以为品牌所使用,通过合理的内容营销和 广告投放触及更多的线上消费者。只要能确保您的数字化策略的高互动性,流量增长几乎是板 上钉钉的。
6. It Ensures Customer Satisfaction 社交媒体能提高消费者满意度
Businesses ought to take the time to engage with their customers personally. In a way that solves their problems; social media platforms make it easier for people to interact with each other. You can utilize this feature to cater to your customers' needs and demands by listening to their problems and questions related to your brand and solving them accordingly. Customers can reach out to your business page via commenting and messaging. Always remember to answer their questions; this leaves the customer satisfied with your business model and increases brand loyalty. The most successful businesses are the ones that have better customer helpline services and satisfied customers. Customers are more loyal to the brands which cater to their needs. There is no good product without satisfied customers.
品牌应该在与消费者个人互动上投入更多的时间精力。消费者能通过社交媒体和品牌进行直接 的一对一的沟通,为他们提供了解决消费中遇到问题的平台。品牌完全可以利用社交媒体的这 一属性,增强和消费者的沟通,倾听消费者在使用产品和服务时遇到的困难和问题,理解他们 的需求,并为他们提供解决方案。消费者可能会通过在品牌主页上留言和发送信息的方式和品 牌建立沟通。一定要及时回答消费者从这些渠道发来的问题,这能极大地增强消费者对品牌的 好感度和忠诚度。运营最成功的品牌往往都有非常好的消费者服务热线,消费者更热衷于能满 足自己需求的产品,而好的产品才能提高消费者满意度。
7. Getting to Know the Market Demands 社交媒体能够帮助品牌决策者了解市场需求
Keeping in touch and being up to date with current market trends is key to being a successful Digital Marketer. Social Media platforms allow you to observe the flow of the market by means of research and exploring business pages of your relevant industry. Along with knowledge of customer demands, one must also pay attention to how the markets of your product function and produce. Social media makes it easy for you to keep in touch with these trends and activities and allows you to plan your strategies in advance.
对于数字营销经理来说,一定要紧跟市场趋势。通过分析竞品和其他相关行业品牌的社交媒体 主页,数字营销经理可以轻松获得市场趋势咨询。除了掌握消费者需求之外,市场营销经理还 需时刻关注行业动,这都可以通过社交媒体这一工具来实现。社交媒体能够帮助数字营销经 理走在市场趋势前端,优先制定出合适的市场策略。
8. It helps in Establishing a Positive Brand Image 社交媒体能帮助品牌树立积极的品牌形象
Deploying strategies based on market trends, interacting with consumers, brand loyalty, and awareness contribute greatly to the enrichment of your brand's image. Social Media then allows the positive image of your brand to be widely dispersed all across the web. Most Online services and startups retain the positivity of their image through loyal, satisfied customers who share their experiences with your brand on social media platforms, thus attracting even more traffic on your social media pages. Consumers can also review and share their opinion on your brand on Social media pages, which increases your brand visibility. Now, let's read on some comparisons between Chinese and western Digital markets.
顺应市场趋势而制定社媒发展策略、与消费者积极互动、增强品牌忠诚度和知名度等都可以极 大丰富品牌形象。社交媒体可以帮助品牌的正面形象在网络上广泛传播。大多数线上公司和初 创公司通过满意用户的线上分享来保持品牌的积极形象,从而吸引更多社交媒体流量,形成一 个良性循环。消费者可以随时在品牌的社交媒体主页上分享他们对品牌的使用感受和对产品的 评价,这也能为品牌提高社交媒体的曝光度。 现在,让我们阅读一下中西方数字化市场的一 些比较。
China and West: What are the key differences? 中国和西方世界:最关键的差异在哪里?
Chinese Digital markets tend to operate a bit differently as compared to western markets; Chinese creators tend to focus their efforts on the price of their product and advertisement strategy. To put it simply, Chinese Social media infrastructure is unique and distinct. Here are some key differences:
No more Facebook or other western social media platforms 没有Facebook或其他西方社交媒体平台
In China, western social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are not only rare, but they are also censored. Instead, Chinese platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, TikTok, and QQ are used by consumers. These platforms are much more dynamic then western platforms; any startup launching their projects in China must adapt to these platforms.
在中国,没有西方社交媒体平台Facebook,Instagram和YouTube等。他们有的是微信、微博和 QQ等中国社交媒体平台。这些平台比西方社交媒体平台更具活力。任何想在中国发展的品 牌,都必须使用这些社交媒体。
Higher standards of consumers 更高水平的消费者
The active consumer base in china tend to be younger people with higher living wages and are therefore have more know-how of the current trends and demand much more information on the brand before they buy it. The lack of trust is also a result of scam products that are widespread in China; therefore, it's obvious that the Chinese population has grown skeptical of newer brands.
中国活跃的消费群体往往是生活工资较高的年轻人,他们对潮流更敏感,往往会在了解更多品 牌信息之后再消费。中国消费者之所以信任不足也是由于当地的假冒伪劣商品过多的缘故。因 此,中国人对新品牌往往持疑度。
Even more E-commerce 更发达的电子商务
China is a thoroughly developed country, and life is very dynamic and swift. China's population remains online most of the time and prefers to buy commodities through social media applications instead of manually going for shopping. In China, every startup will run into more consumers than any other country; therefore, the reputation of that startup in the digital world is much more vital.
中国是一个发达的国家,生活是充满活力且快速的。中国人大量时间都消耗在网上,他们更倾 向于通过社交媒体购买商品,而不是在实体店购买。任何初创公司在中国比在其他任何国家都 有更广大的潜在消费者群体,因此,任何想要在中国站稳脚跟初创公司,数字化战略至关重 要。
Product Reviews 产品评论
With more E-commerce, the product reviews on Social media platforms are very valuable; consumers in chine typically prefer social media platforms to gain information about everything since china tends to censor a lot of news. Therefore, the opinions of other consumers and product reviews are the primary source for Chinese users to know about your brand. Any Startup aiming to kickstart its digital project must keep these points in mind and adapt to digital market trends in China to succeed.
随着电子商务的发展,社交媒体平台上的产品评论是消费者非常看重的一点。出于中国对新闻 审查的缘故,中国的消费者更喜欢通过社交媒体来获取有关品牌和产品的信息。消费者的产品 评论是中国用户了解您的品牌的主要来源。任何旨在开展数字化的初创企业都必须牢记这些要 点,适应中国的数字市场趋势,这样才能取得成功。
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